Friday, July 11, 2008

The First of my Thoughts

I am warning you that this blog is probably quite simple and the insights aren't groundbreaking. I just have thoughts throughout the day and I feel like I should write them somewhere but I am terrible at keeping a journal, so I am going to try and keep a blog on them. We shall see how it turns out. I also really decided to do this with all the talk of media lately within the magazine "Ensign." I have never been one to really proclaim the Gospel so this is my attempt to make a statement of my beliefs.

Growing up I never wanted people to think I was weird because I was Mormon. In the South most people thought we were terrible people who worshiped Joseph Smith and they didn't want to hear one word about the Church. I never denied being a member but I never really brought it up either. When it came time to stand up for my beliefs I would do so quietly. I just didn't want to cause turmoil or make anyone feel uncomfortable. I wanted people to like me. So many times I went with the flow. Looking back, I wish I had been more of an advocate of the Church. I wish I would have realized that what makes LDS different from the rest of the world is what we hold most dear. I wish I wouldn't have camouflaged into the background, but stood out and proclaimed the Gospel. I have many regrets concerning this, so I have decided to turn myself around and start today to be a better member of the Church. I was reading President Uchtdorf's message in the July 08 Ensign and he quoted 2 Timothy 1:7-8: "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord." So easily said; now I just have have to do.

Another thing has caught my attention lately. Being a stay-at-home mom of 1, I often find myself without much to do. My apartment isn't big so it doesn't take long to clean. I can only bake and cook so much because Michael and I only eat so much. I am homebound for most of the day because my baby needs her naps. So what am I to do here at home daily that will focus on using my time, talents, and means wisely? Any ideas? I am still trying to think of some, so I am open to any.


Beth said...

I love to read in my spare time, I like to make bows, I love to shop (though you can only shop so much on a budget), I give myself pedicures on the rare occasion I have a lot of time, I love photography and editing pictures though I'm not nearly as good as our sissies at it... My problem is I never have enough time to do everything, I wish Addie was a good napper like Avery!

Lisha said...

I've thought a lot about this, and my only adivce is to be prayerful to find what it is you need to do to keep busy... and that is something I need to do myself to make sure I use my time in thw wisest way!